Hi, I am Amanda Lee, a CS MS student in University of Utah.

Now I am looking for opportunities of full-time job as Software Engineer!

Feel free to contact me by sending mail to my gmail

These are research I am interested in:

Welcome to connect me on LinkedIn!


This section introduce the projects I have worked in:

Medical Agent

This is the project I joined during my internship in University of Utah Health. Our goal is to design an APP for employees in hospital so that they can get the information they need from the database of IT without typing anything on PC. What they have to do is talking to the APP and this APP will extract keywords from the query and send proper request and get reply.

Ray Tracing

Ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The effects includes shading, reflection, and refraction, for example.

Visualization for Data Science

Visualization for data discovery and communication is an important part of the data science pipeline. Good visualizations not only present a visual interpretation of data, but do so by improving comprehension, communication, and decision making.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is to design cognitive function in machine so that the system is capable to react with the environment as human beings' behavior. This project apply several famous algorithm to make Pacman win efficiently, like A* search, reinforcement learning, and particle filtering.

Data Mining

Big data is very popular nowaday. There are many information we can receive in the world, but how to analyza it? This course make me learn methods to analyze and explain data in practical way. Our team make a research on the charge of hospital and poverty rate in its surrounding counties.


Object Recognition System on Home Service Robot

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